Cold Weather Ahead
By News Desk
February 10, 2016

Extreme cold weather will be here over the weekend. Some helpful tips could prevent injury or damage. Of course the best situation is to be inside where its warm, but if you have to be outside, use caution and stay safe.

Limit time outdoors
Dress in layers
Drink warm liquids and no alcohol
Wear a hat with ear warmers
Wear insulated gloves
Wear insulated socks and boots

If working outside:
Use a mask to cover face and mouth
Use the buddy system to keep a check on each other
Be aware of frostbite and hypothermia conditions
Have a warm area to take breaks
Have relief workers to minimize cold exposure
Keep extra (dry) clothing nearby just in case

Home and building tips:
Always ventilate generators and other fuel type portable heaters
Let water trickle where necessary to prevent freezing
Refrain from using blow torch to thaw frozen pipes. Heat from torch can become an ignition source in walls and combustible materials causing a fire. Contact a qualified plumber instead.

On the road:
Make sure you have plenty of gasoline in the tank
Take an extra blanket and warm clothing
Do not let car engine warm up in garage or confined area. Always be aware of carbon monoxide dangers.

As always, make certain to have working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in your home, a home exit plan, and get everyone outside if alarm activates or danger is present and dial 9-1-1.
