Station 5 assists upcoming RA's at Immaculata University
By EMS Captain Kevin McCarthy
August 12, 2015

This afternoon Station 5 Career and Volunteers assisted Latta White (FM42A) with Fire Safety Education for this years upcoming Resident Assistant's (RA's) at Immaculata University.

The RA's had an opportunity to participate in hands on live demonstrations of how to properly utilize a fire extinguisher and evacuation of the dorms in a smoke filled environment. Each RA had the chance to put out a simulated trash can fire with the fire extinguisher. The staff was by their side assisting the RA's in how to properly use the extinguisher. The RA's were instructed to never turn their back to the trashcan even if it does appear to be out after extinguishing the flames. After the extinguisher demonstration and drill the RA's made their way into a smoke filled dormitory to practice exiting and evacuating the residence. RA's once again received instruction on how to safely exit the building in a smoke filled environment. RA's were taught to feel for the wall and to follow that as a guide out to safety, while passing dorm doors and banging hard for other residence who may be inside to evacuate as well.

Everyone did exceptionally well today. We thank Immaculata University for having us assist with this important safety demonstration, also we hope that all students have a safe and uneventful year.

If any residence, schools, or business's would like to have a Fire Safety demonstration at their facility please feel free to submit a Fire Prevention Request Form via the link on the left side of the web page.

Units: Engine 5-1, Squad 5, and Ambulance 5-2, FM 42A