EWFC Puts on Fire Safety Presentation at Camilla Hall
By News Desk
March 11, 2015

On Wednesday March 11th, 2015 at 1400 hours (2 pm) the East Whiteland Fire Company traveled to Camilla Hall for a fire safety informational meeting.

The Safety Committee of Camilla Hall scheduled the meeting so that all its committee members, staff, and personnel could meet with members of the fire company and conduct a joint briefing on the latest upgrades and additions to their recently renovated building.

Captain Risell of EWFC presented to the large audience on the following topics:

* Pull Stations within Camilla Hall
* Resident Smoke Detectors - Operations within a room and if a situation is occurring and more then two rooms activate the building alarm will sound.
* Sprinkler System - New installed sprinklers within the new addition and the activation and use of.
* Horizontal Evacuation
* Stair Tower Signage and Numbering
* Accordion Doors / Fire Doors throughout the building

It was stressed by the fire company that every fire alarm must be treated as an actual alarm until the "All Clear" announcement is given, for complacancy can lead to disaster.

The East Whiteland Fire Company received a warm thank you from the committee and Camilla Hall Staff and personnel for both the presentation and the continued dedication and service Station 5 provides. In turn, the East Whiteland Fire Company thanks Camilla Hall for hosting us, and taking the progressive steps towards fire safety education, collaboration, and community risk reduction.

Units: Engine 5-1, Squad 5 & Ambulance 5