Rope Rescue Training at Valley Creek Park
By News Desk
June 26, 2014

Members of Station 5 and the "C Platoon" spent Thursday evening at Valley Creek Park brushing up and practicing rope and low-angle rescue skills. Sergeant Mike Risell led members through an evolution where a victim was down an embankment off of Rt. 202 or the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Both of these major highways have very steep embankments that can pose significant challenges to rescuers if encountered.

Engine 5-2 was parked on a simulated shoulder of the roadway, and members used a "Z-rig" to rescue a patient from down the embankment. Engine 5-2 was used as an anchor point.

The night was a success and lessons were learned by all to better prepare for an actual emergency, if and when it occurs.

Units: Engine 5-2 Ambulane 5-1